Jonathan Levy Papers, 1956-1999.


Jonathan Levy Papers, 1956-1999.

The Jonathan Levy Papers, 84 linear feet, contain the papers of Jonathan Levy, playwright, university professor, theatre for youth historian, and author from 1956 through 1999. The majority of the collection includes research and pre-print materials for his books and articles on theatre for youth and for his plays for adults and young audiences. Also included is his curricular work with Project Zero at Harvard University and with the International Baccalaureate Organization. The Papers are divided into the following nine series: Biographical, Projects and Academic Work, Publications Correspondence, Published Articles and Speeches, Books, Plays for Young Audiences, Plays for Adults, Oversize Materials and Audio-Visual.

84 Linear Feet; 74 Boxes



SNAC Resource ID: 6632867

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